Gender: male
Registered: 2014-10-25
Country: Peru
Website: none
Comments: 21
Replays: 0
Enjoyment votes: 6 (4.33/5 avg)
Difficulty votes: 6 (4.17/5 avg)
Jaffar Is The King (2015)
Jaffar Never Dies (2017)
Jaffar Not Forget (2015)
Jaffar Not Forget 2 (The Temple of Terror) (2015)
Jaffar's Revenge Completed (2020)
Jaffar's Rooms (2016)
Little Palace (2019)
Lockdown on Persia (2020)
Temple of Chaos (2018)
The Amazing Prince of Persia (2016)
The Deserts of Persia (2015)
The Princess is Mine (2015)
The Resurrection Of Jaffar And The Revolt Of The Guards (2015)