We strongly advise you to use SDLPoP to play Prince of Persia for DOS.
SDLPoP is an accurate, reverse engineered free and open-source implementation of Prince of Persia for DOS.
It runs natively under Windows and GNU/Linux.
Alternatively, DOSBox can be used with the 1990 version:
- English, 1.0: PoP1.zip (337KB)
- English, 1.1: PoP1_1.zip (348KB)
- English, 1.3: PoP1_3.zip (372KB)
- English, 1.4: PoP1_4.zip (350KB)
- English, demo (just levels 1 and 2): PoP1_demo.zip (248KB)
Another free software implementation is MININIM.
Jordan Mechner's drawings for PoP1.
Frames used for the rotoscoping process.
See also the images of all levels: level_maps.zip (1.1MB)
All music as MP3s, FLACs and OGGs: PoP1_DOS_music.zip (42MB)