After pushing left, hold down right.
Only works with the caped prince.
The first part is as trick 13.
Similar to 13, 36 and 86.
Similar to 13, 36 and 85.
Similar to 125.
If entering a certain room (from above) loads the next level, like from 12a to 12b, suicide can be a solution.
The guard moves forward only if there is just one missing tile between him and the prince.
You need to turn around quickly enough.
After sliding, let go of the left arrow key, wait, and then press it again. Similar to 155.
After passing the guard to the right, immediately move left and hit.
This also works to the left. The amount you run before turning around matters.
Similar to 7.
Only works with certain objects to the right. Make sure to press down at the end of the maneuver.
Two very similar tricks in a row.
Two tricks with closed chompers. Second needs triggering of any tile enabled.
Also works with the floor+tapestry combo.
Part of this is as trick 6.
Also works with a single jump upward from the left edge.
First, enter the shadow room (level 12a, room 15). Then, stay inside the 3 right columns (of whatever room you want!). Then if you die while bumping into something (wall, closed gate, gate top, ...) you will auto-resurrect.
Combination of 20 and 82. After pushing left, hold down right.
Requires precision for various distances.
Same movement as 1. Will not work with a gate. No rooms should be right and under.