
Released in: 2016
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1 for SNES
Description: "(missing)"
Tags: custom-story
Starting time: 120 minutes
By: NITM-T (Tâmison) (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 19
Download: (SNES mod!)
Use ZSNES or Snes9x to start its ROM "Prince of Persia The Kingdom of the Dead (color).smc".

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comments: (Google translator)
Recently, I saw this topic on the forum:
It was posted by Laumi. The same way, another players still having trouble to finish my Mods: Time Only Knows, The Kingdom of the Dead and The Two Princesses.
So, my Romhacks requires more strategies, Tricks and find some times, secret passages through the walls.
All them can be finish, but we try go the level 20, it's useless because TKofD and TTP, only have 19 levels, that's why the game stucks there because I changed the HEXs there.
Only TOK have 20 levels.

Anyway, if anyone needs help on my Mods, feel free to ask here on Mods pages are or in my channel. Go to the video trailer and leave a comment. I'll reply ASAP with hints, pics or videos, if you guys want. I'm not in the forum, only here and on YouTube.

I wish good luck for you all and sorry for the English.
NITM-T (2017-03-31 10:40:45 UTC)

Здравствуйте! Как открыть первую решётку? Не открывается. И как мимо охранника пройти без меча?
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-09-18 02:24:20 UTC)

(Google translator)
Hello, llyakuznetsov1986. Thank you very much for downloading my mod!

You need to do Trick 01 to be able to step on the loose which, you can find it here:

There're many ways to evade/skip guards since we made levels with that possibility.
For first guard, just make him follow you, then go back up and jump over him.
NITM-T (2024-09-18 18:03:44 UTC)

Я играю на телефоне, эмулятор retroarch. На перешёл по предложенной Вами ссылке, на видео статичная картинка, ничего не понятно, к сожалению. Объясните, пожалуйста, как на геймплее эмулятора это сделать на телефоне?
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-09-18 23:16:54 UTC)

I see. I don't know much how is to play with them, even using one, and I don't have my PC right now, so I won't be able to help that much. But the link I sent to you, it's from this very site. In the menu there's "learn" and "PoP Tricks" section.
In any case, you can check my playlist with tricks that works on SNES version since there're a few that only works on DOS version. Here you go:

Even if you're playing on a cellphone, will be the same thing. Just bumb at the door, turn around, one step to left, press Down or Up, turn around and run to the door. But make sure to release Right while running before bumb at the door, again.
NITM-T (2024-09-19 02:59:45 UTC)

I see. I don't know much how is to play with them, even using one, and I don't have my PC right now, so I won't be able to help that much. But the link I sent to you, it's from this very site. In the menu there's "learn" and "PoP Tricks" section.
In any case, you can check my playlist with tricks that works on SNES version since there're a few that only works on DOS version. Here you go:

Even if you're playing on a cellphone, will be the same thing. Just bumb at the door, turn around, one step to left, press Down or Up, turn around and run to the door. But make sure to release Right while running before bumb at the door, again.
NITM-T (2024-09-19 02:59:53 UTC)

Спасибо большое за совет! А какую кнопку нажать, и кто такой бамб?
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-09-19 03:03:10 UTC)

I'm sorry. I meant to say bump, to hit at the door while running.

You're welcome!
NITM-T (2024-09-19 11:11:14 UTC)

Спасибо! А на какую кнопку не забыть нажать?
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-09-19 14:25:52 UTC)

You just need to remember to stop running before hit the door. Did you see the video on YouTube I send? So, doing that, the Prince will be able to step ahead of the door making the loose fall in order to open the door.
NITM-T (2024-09-19 16:06:12 UTC)

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