
Released in: 2015
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1 for SNES
Description: "(missing)"
Tags: custom-story
Starting time: 45 minutes
By: NITM-T (Tâmison) (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 19
Download: (SNES mod!)
Use ZSNES or Snes9x to start its ROM "Prince of Persia Time Only Knows (color).smc".

enjoyment: stars
rated 4 by 1 person
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rated 4 by 1 person
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comments: I have finished this mod. good difficult experience

recommend beating my snes Repositon
tasdasd (2023-01-12 15:22:02 UTC)

Congratulation! Rarely, someone tell me that've beated one of my mods ^_^.

Oh, I missed that one, then. I'm gonna check it out.
NITM-T (2023-01-13 03:42:22 UTC)

Доброго времени суток! Скажите, пожалуйста, есть видео прохождения 5го уровня? Решетка закрыта.
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-11-17 19:08:40 UTC)

Sorry, I don't have it. It's been some time I played it n' I don't have my PC right now, so I won't be much of a help.
Anyway, which room are you looked? I'll try to remember what to do.
NITM-T (2024-11-17 19:44:56 UTC)

Простите, что в какой комнате искал? Не совсем понял вопроса.
Ilyakuznetsov1986 (2024-11-17 19:46:13 UTC)

It seems the translator gave me the wrong translation.
Too bad. Only someone that speak your language can help, if they've played...
NITM-T (2024-11-17 20:06:43 UTC)

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