
Cheat: PRINCE v 1.1Released in: 2024
PoP version: Prince of Persia 2
Description: "I tried making one PoP 2 mod. Most of the original maps are shorter and trickier. Guards don't reposition. Thank you."
Tags: puzzles
Starting time: ? minutes
By: tasdasd (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 14
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comments: I tried this mod: you made these levels from the original shorter but harder! I arrived till the first level of ruins but I find the way blocked everywhere! How can finish that level? I searched for the video playing on youtube but I didn't found! Could you post it there, please! Thanks.
malvivio (2024-06-21 09:55:18 UTC)

Oh! No video, You passed the cave. So you should be able to pass All. I think pop2 has a lot of cool things added from pop1 and fewer bugs. But my one problem: the sound of falling tiles was too loud.
tasdasd (2024-06-24 07:02:54 UTC)

The cave levels are quite difficult yes, but there is a way to pass each one. The first level of ruins not: after have killed the first flying head can't go up because there are some fixed tiles that don't drop, so can't go upstairs, and also coming back there are no alternative ways!! Could you check it, please??
malvivio (2024-06-24 07:09:56 UTC)

Such a quick response I can't believe you didn't know, okay, just crawled through the crack in the wall.
tasdasd (2024-06-24 07:16:43 UTC)

Damn, now I saw it!! It's almost hidden by the column!!! Thanks for telling, I would never find it!!!
malvivio (2024-06-24 18:21:08 UTC)

Arrived at ruin's fourth level: while jumping on the horse he drops down!! Why??? What can do to get on saddle?!?
malvivio (2024-06-24 20:09:41 UTC)

You have to find the right timing. My reposition was fun, wasn't it?
tasdasd (2024-06-25 07:19:24 UTC)

Your reposition is very mysterious. Yesterday I reached level 4 of ruins. Today I'm not able to finish level 3: yesterday after have killed all the flying heads I came back searching the button and I heard the door opening while a snake was crawling, and I thought the button was there hidden, but today it doesn't happen! What the hell?!???
malvivio (2024-06-25 09:00:27 UTC)

I identified the button that opens exit door, but why it doesn't work the first time I push it? I had to come back after with those two dangerous snakes!!!
malvivio (2024-06-25 12:50:40 UTC)

I reached again level 4 of ruins and still can't jump in saddle of the horse!! I tryed drinking LP and not drinking LP before jumping: it makes no difference. I noticed here there is a tile more than in the original, so I tried jumping one tile before, like I was in the original: he always drops! I compared the horse's position between this mod and the original and I can tell it's the same, so why the hell I don't find the way to jump on saddle and start the run to the castle???
malvivio (2024-06-25 14:01:53 UTC)

What does it mean finding the right timing? Right timing with what?? I tried playing this level till the end of time left and losed the match! If you don't show me clearly how to jump on the horse without falling I won't go to the castle and Princess won't wake up!
malvivio (2024-06-25 18:52:31 UTC)

When I tested it wasn't that difficult. After drinking LP, you stand closest to the left edge. Then press short run to the right 2 times, then turn left, run and jump immediately.
As for the button to open the door with snakes I found this by accident while playing the original. If you don't pick up the sword, the door won't open.
In the red temple, the difficult point might the bug running through small wall. I just found out about it not long ago. Stand closest to the wall. facing opposite direction Then immediately turned around and run.
Finally, You might be insulted that I didn't create a new lay out, just repositioned it. It's because I'm an outsider and don't know much about the game's construction system. But I hope my mod is good in gameplay.
tasdasd (2024-06-27 07:23:08 UTC)

I did as you told: after drunk Life Potion got twice to the right, then run at left, jump, but he keeps falling down, doesn't go in saddle to the horse!! :-(
I tried this twice, then I wanted restart the level but I did wrong and pressed Q instead of A so I quit the game. :-( :-( :-(
malvivio (2024-06-27 09:24:47 UTC)

I tried and retried dozens of times and I confirm once again: Prince jumps towards the horse, but everytime he falls to the floor instead going in saddle: you should check and find where's the bug in your mod: because there is surely: jumping in saddle is usually a very simple step, but you made it impossible, so you might should be insulted for this!
malvivio (2024-06-29 09:21:13 UTC)

You really make me believe it Haha.....
tasdasd (2024-06-30 03:52:46 UTC)

What the hell!... He goes in saddle only if he tries to take a step into the void on the left before turning to the right and doing what you wrote before; you didn't write that he has to take that step into the void, and in any case it makes no sense that he necessarily has to do that to get on the saddle!! I got so fed up of that damn step
malvivio (2024-06-30 14:33:37 UTC)

I'm blocked again into the red palace! Could you please make another video of the red levels completed, and also the final with chess, crystals, till the end, so that I don't have to say everytime I can't pass a step and going to watch how the hell must do instead, please??
malvivio (2024-06-30 16:26:39 UTC)

Crazy!!! I took a step to the left to look at the horse. You just stand as close to the left edge as possible.
The conversation is already long. That should be enough...

tasdasd (2024-06-30 16:40:22 UTC)

And I don't make videos anymore during this time.

Wish us good luck in life....
tasdasd (2024-06-30 16:44:58 UTC)

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