
Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2023
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "This is the SDLPoP version for the SNES Remnants mod, with background music from SNES PoP1. Uses the Japanese SDLPoP that runs slightly faster. "
Tags: conversion, sdlpop
Starting time: 60 minutes
By: KJ (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 14


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comments: To play this, please use this pathway to find the package and then unzip it: your Total Pack directory > mods > levelset > software > 0000296. Please note this cannot be run natively from Total Pack as it only opens and properly runs DOS versions of the mod and SDLPoP has to be run manually to play.
KJ (2023-11-12 08:16:46 UTC)

Package updated due to small adjustments. Please download again or reinstall in Total Pack for this new package.
KJ (2023-11-23 08:41:35 UTC)

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