
Cheat: prince.exe megahitReleased in: 2023
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "What if Jaffar didn't forget that he was a sorcerer?"
Starting time: 10 minutes
By: teljesnegyzet (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 1
Use DOSBox to start its executable "prince.exe".


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rated 5 by 1 person
difficulty: bar
rated 5 by 1 person
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comments: Awesome meme, I love it XD
T0mmiCZE (2023-06-01 09:37:02 UTC)

Very creative. Jaffar is unbeatable as long as there are no cheats involved. Keep restarting until your 10 minutes runs out.
Running this in Total Pack with cheats, I discovered the rabbit, swords and sound was edited with PR. Jumping towards Jaffar is actually jumping to an edited chomper, 3 chompers in total. The chomped sprite has been edited with a rabbit and added text. Press R after going through the chompers or "rabbit transformation" until you can fight and kill Jaffar and Level 14 and ending is unchanged as you are not intended to win this legitimately :D
KJ (2024-05-13 09:21:17 UTC)

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