Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2021 PoP version: Prince of Persia 1 Description: "Part 2 of Say HiJump with custom source code edits. " Tags: custom-hack, sdlpop, many-minutes Starting time: 180 minutes By: atrueprincefanfrom2018 (Author) Has altered: graphics audio Custom levels: 5 Download:
enjoyment: rated 5 by 1 person difficulty: rated 3 by 1 person email service: Email me about new comments and replays.comments:
Very cool mod, in line with the first one. There is even some brand new gameplay on the last level.
FYI, a full playthrough of it, with some complaints and stupid mistakes:
(2021-12-13 13:51:41 UTC)