Cheat: 1Released in: 2021 PoP version: Prince of Persia 1 Description: "You have 5 minutes and level 13. Run very fast" Tags: few-minutes Starting time: 5 minutes By: Ararat5165 (Author) Has altered: graphics audio Custom levels: 13 Download:
enjoyment: rated 1 by 1 person difficulty: rated 1 by 2 people email service: Email me about new comments and replays.comments:
The first mod that has 13 levels and 5 minutes.
(2021-03-04 21:19:56 UTC)
Easy one. I had 13 seconds left. Just made it!
Don't pick LPs and you can do it and try to save fraction of seconds such as Level 11 jump while pressing the raise for exit door and quickly bumping into wall thereby saving time.
(2021-03-05 07:33:54 UTC)