
Cheat: ISD_DOS.EXE megahitReleased in: 2020
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "Simple and easy-harder levels. Some tricks needed. Maximum number of lives is 12."
Tags: sdlpop, many-minutes
Starting time: 180 minutes
By: Youran Tumayel (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 12
Use DOSBox to start its executable "ISD_DOS.EXE".


enjoyment: stars
rated 3 by 1 person
difficulty: bar
rated 2 by 1 person
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comments: Easy mod, good for people who have just started playing mods.
Author did try to make the mod more fun, but it definitely can be more fun!
atrueprincefanfrom2018 (2020-08-23 06:44:38 UTC)

@atrueprincefanfrom2018, I will update mod again, please be patient. I will edit LEVELS.DAT with RoomShaker or Apoplexy, maybe like Battle Hardened or something else.
Youran Tumayel (2020-12-31 13:54:34 UTC)

Is level 1 working for anybody?
L'indecis (2023-04-30 20:58:22 UTC)

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