
Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2020
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "Easy to medium difficulty. In mysterious places you cannot walk through opened gates but can go through closed gates. Please play with given graphics, it's more fun."
Tags: beginner-friendly
Starting time: 120 minutes
By: atrueprincefanfrom2018 (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 13
Use DOSBox to start its executable "PRINCE.EXE".


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rated 4 by 2 people
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rated 3 by 3 people
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comments: Interesting mod, I liked it very much, keep on creating mods this difficult
Lihinghntom (2020-05-19 23:54:10 UTC)

Thanks! :)
atrueprincefanfrom2018 (2020-05-20 07:11:37 UTC)

Hi, very interesting mod! I'm not so pro and I have problems with tiles: is there a special way to make them fall? I know that some fall only because one other falls on them. But sometime it seems there's no way to make fall something on them...
Tom (2020-05-20 12:40:04 UTC)

Yes, there are two types of tiles. One which will fall only if other tiles fall on them or they are triggered with some button or drinking special blue potions.

You need to find the raise or drop tile to make such type of tiles fall. Or in some cases you need to drink the special blue potion. Those are only two ways.

You can also use SDLPoP, so you don't have to complete the entire level if you make a small mistakes, which is crucial as it's not simple 5-minute-per-level mod. You need to see what you are doing and also be sure you are not pressing the unnecessary tiles or pressing the tiles before they are meant to be pressed!
atrueprincefanfrom2018 (2020-05-20 18:36:29 UTC)

Thanks for the answer! The problem was that I missed one potion... this is very very well designed mod: it'll get me a long time to finish :)
Tom (2020-05-21 11:55:07 UTC)

So you finished it Tom? ;)
atrueprincefanfrom2018 (2020-08-27 16:53:51 UTC)

Is there a problem with level 3, or is it me?
Argelino (2020-09-22 02:04:12 UTC)

@Argelino, it is possible to complete, watch carefully, you can do it :)


You need to press CTRL + A (restart the level) when you can't get more further ;)

atrueprincefanfrom2018 (2020-09-22 03:34:48 UTC)

Thank's :) that's really cleaver. Congrats for your work

Argelino (2020-09-23 00:10:59 UTC)

That was the longest mod I ever did.
Some levels are great (1 and 2 and another one but I can't remember which number; it's the one with the big hole and you can use a green potion to jump in it so maybe like 9 or 10), 5 and 6 are the most difficult ones for me.
Good job !
L'indecis (2023-04-25 21:29:48 UTC)

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