Ararat header

Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2020
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "The prince has no sword, hence he must take the sword in every level. Need some tricks."
Tags: no-sword
Starting time: 80 minutes
By: Ararat5165 (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 9
Use DOSBox to start its executable "PRINCE.EXE".


enjoyment: stars
rated 1 by 1 person
difficulty: bar
rated 5 by 2 people
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comments: Very impossible, hard way and maze!
Youran Tumayel (2020-06-10 12:32:54 UTC)

Ho-oh, Ararat mod is by Aram Sev. Is you? Please tell me what the new story now.
Youran Tumayel (2020-11-28 13:38:50 UTC)

Has anyone ever done it?
L'indecis (2023-04-28 20:21:37 UTC)

@ L'indecis, yes, YURA has. See:
The link is to a playlist with all levels.
norbert (2023-06-24 05:22:25 UTC)

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