
Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2014
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "Short levels, but guards between levels 8-12 have 12-14 HP. They will be hard."
Starting time: 60 minutes
By: 2233 (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 12
Use DOSBox to start its executable "PRINCE.EXE".


enjoyment: stars
rated 1 by 1 person
difficulty: bar
rated 2 by 1 person
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comments: I gave it a try, but I didn't enjoy it so much. There was plenty of rooms with open edges and no room linked, causing you automatically die. Different skilled guards, even a guard with skill 9 (the one that the guard doesn't do anything). I didn't see much effort on the scenery making... sorry.
Robert (2015-05-28 02:04:03 UTC)

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