
Cheat: PRINCE.EXE megahitReleased in: 2011
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "Inspired by Prince of Persia 4D and a Random Tournament mod."
Starting time: 60 minutes
By: popman (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 12
Use DOSBox to start its executable "PRINCE.EXE".


enjoyment: stars
rated 2.5 by 2 people
difficulty: bar
rated 2 by 2 people
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comments: I've just finished playing this mod. It's an average mod. Heavy focus on gate opening/closing. Pretty straightforward. Seems to always go to level 12a when you die or restart levels with Ctrl-a, which is annoying. Both LPs in the mod are easy to obtain. In level 10 it's currently impossible to pass the second yellow guard; at the end of that level you need to go down. Level 6 may be the easiest level ever, level 12a is also very easy.
norbert (2012-08-30 20:55:16 UTC)

Very nasty bug, as norbert says: Seems to always go to level 12a when you die or restart levels with Ctrl-a, which is annoying

I stopped playing when dying in lvl 4, always have to skip lvls till then. However, Lvls seems to be nice.
mud (2019-03-11 17:26:36 UTC)

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