Cheat: LITF.EXE megahitReleased in: 2009 PoP version: Prince of Persia 1 Description: "Part of the Lost In The Forest series." Tags: few-minutes, custom-story Starting time: 12 minutes By: Micheal Muniko (mickey96, musa) (Author) Has altered: graphics audio Custom levels: 6 Download: Use DOSBox to start its executable "LITF.EXE".
enjoyment: rated 2.67 by 3 people difficulty: rated 1.67 by 3 people email service: Email me about new comments and replays.comments:
I've played through this mod. It's very easy, including obtaining the LPs. Note that you need to finish six levels in twelve minutes, no time to look around too much. There's no need to fight the final boss; just pass him.
(2012-08-24 16:35:30 UTC)
It's a very easy mod and nice graphics and also the levels.
(2014-05-18 05:53:58 UTC)
Hi Norbert... I was thinking, would it be better to add something like "SPOILER ALERT:" before explaining some tricks or giving suggestions? I think it would be nicer if I learn the tricks by playing and reasoning :-) do you agree?
(2017-02-21 23:11:13 UTC)
Maybe. Would probably be best to suggest/discuss features in this thread:
Since they are not specifically about this mod. :)
(2017-02-22 01:06:32 UTC)
Nice mod. I love the 12 minute timer. It adds suspense because these levels are not that short. This might be just me but I definitely felt suspense during level 5. Maybe because i'm not a fast player. I kinda wish that Jaffar was that thing who set the timer in the bedroom. Missed oppertunity.
(2023-12-27 14:14:42 UTC)