
Cheat: 4D_PRIN.EXE kirill!Released in: 1994
PoP version: Prince of Persia 1
Description: "A mod that uses broken room links to create maze-like levels. It's easy, except for level 3. Levels 7-10,12-13 haven't been changed."
Tags: broken-links
Starting time: 60 minutes
By: Kirill A. Terebilov (Author)
Has altered: checkbox graphics checkbox audio
Custom levels: 10
Use DOSBox to start its executable "4D_PRIN.EXE".


enjoyment: stars
rated 3.33 by 12 people
difficulty: bar
rated 3 by 10 people
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comments: This mod was created with Princedit, the first Prince of Persia 1 level editor ever created.
That editor is now almost two decades old.
norbert (2011-02-26 18:06:51 UTC)

This mod is incredibly challenging and I've never come farther than Level 2, to be honest. However, it's still an enjoyable experience and recommended for anybody who would like to take a look at the roots of modding.
mk1995 (2011-03-07 19:11:35 UTC)

I recently replayed this mod and, to be honest, I don't like it that much. I've never been a fan of broken room links and this mod uses those in several levels. All LP's are easy to obtain.
Level 1: easy, especially if you don't retrieve the sword. Uses raise buttons that aren't visible.
Level 2: also easy.
Level 3: not that complicated. However, you need to drop a tile on a certain raise button to be able to continue elsewhere.
Level 4: easy, basically just a maze.
Level 5: similar to level 4.
Level 6: extremely easy, just a single fight and you're done.
Levels 7-10: same as the original PoP.
Level 11: similar to level 4. This level is corrupt in most copies of this mod.
Level 12a: same as the original PoP.
Level 12b: almost the same as the original PoP. The level door seems to be stay closed, even though it's open.
Level 13: as the original.
norbert (2012-07-02 05:06:56 UTC)

They first I've ever played. Never finnished it, but I like it, good levels, some as the original POP like Norbert said.
Robert (2014-05-18 06:01:49 UTC)

Sorry, I meant "The first mod I've ever played..."
Robert (2014-05-19 15:46:09 UTC)

Sorry, I meant "The first mod I've ever played..."
Robert (2014-05-19 15:46:10 UTC)

The first POP1 mod I have ever played.

In few words: the mod is enjoyable and challenging only on condition that you take your time to play it, even if it requires daily pauses between one level and another. You should make sure that savegame feature is correctly working before you start your trip (POPUW is hosting tutorial about it) because its difficulty will likely keep you from going any further than level two.

My trip notes (minor spoiler ahead):

- Level 1: quite easy and fast if you are not collecting sword.

- Level 2: challenging level. It took me time to find the path to the exit door because of what I call a "leap faith" in a room that gives no clues about jumping.

- Level 3: I've never seen so many potions in a level (except the potion level of course); too bad they were all poisonous and likely to be accidentaly drank when performing safe step on the edge of floor. I also found a "secret" room with a lot of apparently unreachable LP potions guarded by a skeleton you cannot defeat (not with fair play attitude at least...): I smelt some sadism here. However it was very stressful for me to find that tile Norbert talked about because I forgot Norbert's comment so I was looking for that button back and forth.

- Level 4-5: I was welcomed by the so-called 4th dimension. Very confusing layout because of broken room links (which now I understood what they are). It took me time to explore every room until I found exit door whose button I spotted by accident.

- Level 6: Very easy. I found a minor bug involved with glitched spikes in the room you access just by running to the right on level start. After I finished POP4D, I fixed that bug with Apoplexy editor and... I regretted I didn't took enough time to fully explore this level before.

- Level 7-10 and 12a: I really wonder why these levels were left unaltered. However, since I was short on time, I appreciated familiar layout which allowed me to pass these levels quite fastly.

- Level 11: the big flaw of POP4D. After being forewarned by Norbert's comment, I "repaired" my copy of POP4D according to the tutorial hosted at POPUW. It took me two-three days to realize the game was still corrupted because the button supposedly linked to the exit door was... Not linked to it! I had to fix it by myself in Apoplexy editor as well as chomper's position in the Room 20 that prevented the Prince to climb up.

- Level 12b: not too much different from the original. I had great expectation on Jaffar's skill being hardened but I was rather disappointed. After I finished POP4D, I moved back to Apoplexy editor once again in order to fix the door's bug Norbert talked about.

- Level 13: no 4th dimension anymore, no surprises at all. I felt kinda relieved because I started hating dungeon-themed levels...
Doktor Headshot (2016-05-09 11:08:30 UTC)

I've also wondered why only about half of all levels were modified. Maybe the author just couldn't wait any longer to share his work with the world.
norbert (2016-05-11 13:51:28 UTC)

Challenging if you don't push the level 3 skeleton through the wall (and drink the potions).
nuzbunt (2016-12-26 16:51:46 UTC)

A part from some bugs, I actually enjoyed this mod a lot! There are many tricky parts, but actually I even learned new kinds of combinations of moves when I played this, and I will surely apply them for the next mods! Well done Kirill :)

The only thing which frustrated me, as malvivio said, is that in level 11 the button supposedly linked to the exit door was actually not linked to it. Initially I thought the button was somewhere else and I spent several days finding it... But at some point for some random reasons that button worked and suddenly I winished the whole game!

But still, even considering the bugs, I recommend this game!
endriuw (2017-02-28 20:24:24 UTC)

Hi guys, can I ask you one favor?

I really liked this mod and sometimes I would like to play again, but for now I would never do it because I know how frustrating the bug in level 11 can be (the button which works only once every 10 times) and having to close the game after reaching that level is really frustrating.

But I noticed some of you modified this mod to fix the bug (for example "Doktor Headshot")... would you mind about posting the fixed version online? If I am sure that button works, I would be way happier to play this game again when I will miss these levels in the future! :-)

If someone of you could update the fixed version I think many people (including me!) would be very grateful for that....

endriuw (2017-03-09 20:04:31 UTC)

At the end I have fixed it by myself by modifying level 11 using Apoplexy. I would like to contribute to this community by sharing the fixed version, is it possible? If yes, how?

My changing of level 11, for some weird reason, also affected level 12a, as in level 12a the "magic tiles" which usually appear when you merge with the shadow do not appear anymore. Probably this is because this mod is very old (23 years old) and it has been created with a very old editor (at least 25 years old) and it also has some quite unusual properties (for example, the "4th dimension" cyclic links between rooms).

In any case, I fixed this by also changing level 12a and by replacing the "magic tiles" with normal tiles, since in any case you need to merge with the shadow to pass, so that part is still very nice (the magic tiles were just some fancy extra things).

I noticed that Norbert criticized the game, but actually I liked it very much. On the other hand, other people think you need the "save game" option enabled to finish it, and I also disagree with this. I am a medium PoP1 player (I would never play the extreme mods proposed by some authors here) but I can still finish this mod without needing any "save game" option, I just needed some days to reason about the levels.

Many thanks again for this great website!
endriuw (2017-03-13 08:23:25 UTC)

Endriuw, the version at has been fixed since September 2012. I just tested and could finish it. Doktor Headshot must have played and commented on a package he got from another website.
norbert (2017-03-13 11:40:22 UTC)

Many thanks for this clarification Norbert!

Actually I have downloaded my copy of 4D Prince of Persia from the POPUW website, some problems were fixed (Like the "Insert Prince of Persia disk" problem), but the bug about the button not linked to the door was still not working in at least 70% of times.

Perhaps I should try the mod from this website (popot) instead of the one from POPUW?

endriuw (2017-03-13 14:12:53 UTC)

Tested the version from and it is perfect, no bugs anymore! (except for the exit door in level 12b, which still looks closed but is actually open)

Many thanks for publishing this fixed version, it is almost impossible to find it in other websites!
endriuw (2017-03-13 17:13:36 UTC)

Yes, and what happens in level 12b is part of the original design. The level door you hear opening is not the one you see in room 3, but one in room 5 (triggered by event 3). And once 1 level door is open, the prince can exit through ANY level door, open OR CLOSED. :) (Except doors in the starting room.)
norbert (2017-03-13 17:56:52 UTC)

I've changed the text "Custom levels: 7" to "Custom levels: 10", because the levels that have changes are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12a, 13 and 14.
norbert (2017-03-14 13:54:49 UTC)

watch this video .. has anyone explored this part yet ....
to be honest .still enjoying this awesome game in 2017 ...
this is the first mod i played .played it nearly 10 years ago as noob that time . .and was playing after a long time and yesterday only i discovered this area in level 4 . with has another life ext potion ...
loverboyritesh (2017-09-22 09:34:40 UTC)

Im not a friend of Fake-Potions-Eveywhere and broken room links, which cuasing a disgusting gameplay.
mud (2019-03-06 17:13:37 UTC)

This is the second Prince of Persia game I played, I thought it was exactly a remake and it would be non compatible with the original game
Lihinghntom (2020-05-15 18:40:14 UTC)

I have noticed a new guard apear in this game. How did you create it?
ToothFruity2020 (2021-06-05 23:53:58 UTC)

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replays:question markprogram lvl 1
quotelvl1 shortunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:32:29 UTC)

program lvl 2
quotelvl2 bst shortunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-14 20:26:00 UTC)

program lvl 4
quotelvl 4 shortunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:33:32 UTC)

program lvl 5
quotelvl 5 shortunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:34:06 UTC)

program lvl 6
quotelvl6 no potionsunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:57:49 UTC)

program lvl 7
quotelvl7 normalunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:59:17 UTC)

program lvl 8
quotelvl8 fastunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:00:30 UTC)

program lvl 9
quotelvl 9 with potunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:01:01 UTC)

program lvl 10
quotelvl10 normalunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:01:25 UTC)

program lvl 11
quotelvl11 Fastunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:02:31 UTC)

program lvl 12a
quotelvl12 a+bunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:23:41 UTC)

program other
quotelvl3 skeleton unquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:25:17 UTC)

program lvl 4 alt.
quote2 potionsunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:34:32 UTC)

program lvl 5 alt.
quotepass thru gateunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:35:35 UTC)

program lvl 6 alt.
quotelvl6 secret potunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 16:58:29 UTC)

program lvl 7 alt.
quoteJumpgate glitchunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:00:01 UTC)

program lvl 10 alt.
quotegrabtile glitchunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:01:52 UTC)

program lvl 12a alt.
quotelvl12 a+bunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:24:15 UTC)

program other alt.
quotelvl3 stuck altunquote
loverboyritesh (2023-03-16 17:26:28 UTC)

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