There are 28 matches.

Castle of hell
Christmas of Persia
David's Levels
Dh73's Quest
Gabriel's Challenge
Heart of Zyra lv1-3 reposition
HiJump - Hard Mode
Insanity Puzzles
Jester's palace
Lihinghntom's Dark Levels or Prince ¼D
lv1-5 SSDV reposition
Micro Palace
Neon Persia
No Potion + no damage mode
PoP2 Reposition
Potion Puzzles
Potions of Delusion
Prince of Persia – Same Story Different Version
Prince of Persia Baghdad CZ
Prince re-visit's repetition of time.
Repetition of Time
Reposition Advance
Shadow's Potions
The Tricky Tower
The Ultimate Challenge
Tricks gone away
Vel'Cheran of Persia

By Author:
Starting Minutes:
PoP Version:
# Changed Levels:
Creation Year:
Has Altered: graphics audio
With Text:
In its name or description.
With Tag: