This is a list of all available (known) mods.
It is also possible to search for specific mods.
The Total Packs and poplaun provide user-friendly interfaces for tweaking and playing custom levels.
These tools use mods.xml (and modsu.xml).
Is your mod not yet listed here, then please submit it.
This website can suggest to you a random mod and level.
There are also other mods, that are not for DOS or SNES.
Sort by: name | id | year | version | minutes | levels ch.
1 Level More (PoP1)
10th Dime(n)sion (PoP1)
13 Swordsmen (PoP1)
30th Anniversary Port (PoP1 for SNES)
4-Rooms Levelset (PoP1)
4D Prince 2 (PoP1)
4D Prince of Persia (PoP1)
A Labyrinth of Doors (PoP1)
A Place Of Despair (PoP1)
Adventure Forever (PoP1)
Adventure Without Sword (PoP1)
Adventures of Kariba (PoP1)
Ahazidan Skeleton (PoP1)
Alternate 1 (PoP1)
Alternate 2 (PoP1)
Alternate 3 (PoP1)
Alternate Levels (PoP1)
Amogh's Levelset 1 (PoP1)
Amogh's Levelset 2 (PoP1)
Amogh's Levelset 3 (PoP1)
Amogh's Levelset 4 (PoP1)
Amogh's Levelset 5 (PoP1)
An Hour in the Prison (PoP1)
Apopeyos (PoP1)
Apple soy green day (PoP1)
Arabian Nightmares (PoP1)
Ararat (PoP1)
Army of Clones (PoP1)
Ataa's Levelset (PoP1)
Babylon Tower Climb (PoP1)
Back in the mirror. (PoP1)
Barre's Alternative (PoP1)
Barre's Creepy Way (PoP1)
Battle Hardened (PoP1)
Battle Hardened 2: Battle Hardened with Vengeance (PoP1)
Battle Hardened III (PoP1)
Battle Hardened: Nazaam's Revolt (PoP1)
Battle Royale (PoP1 for SNES)
Castle in the Stars (PoP1)
Castle Jaffar (PoP1)
Castle of dark (PoP1)
Castle of hell (PoP1)
Christmas of Persia (PoP1)
Combat & Adventures (PoP1)
Damian0's Levels (PoP1)
Dangerous Dungeons (PoP1)
Dark Castle (PoP1 for SNES)
Dark Shadows (PoP1)
David's Levels (PoP1)
Definition Of The Time (PoP1)
Despair: the Hopeless (PoP1)
Dh73's Quest (PoP1)
Dungeon Quest (PoP1)
During Sleep 2 (Miracles) (PoP1)
During Sleep 2 (Remix) (PoP1)
During Sleep 3 (PoP1)
Dusk:Mod (PoP1)
ecco_Levels05 (PoP1)
ecco_Levels08 (PoP1)
ecco_Levels09 (PoP1)
ecco_Levels10 (PoP1)
Edward Set 1 (PoP1)
Edward Set 2 (PoP1)
Edward Set 3 (PoP1)
Edward Set 4 (PoP1)
Edward Set 5 (PoP1)
Edward Set 6 (PoP1)
Escape From Illusion (PoP1)
Escape from prison (PoP1)
Evil Time of Persia (PoP1)
Extrem (PoP1)
Extrem2 (PoP1)
Flying Prince (PoP1)
Flying Prince (by Aram) (PoP1)
For the Love of a Princess (PoP1)
Funny Jail (PoP1)
Gabriel's Challenge (PoP1)
Ghost of Persia (PoP1)
Gouty Prince of Persia (PoP1)
Great Castle (PoP1)
Hard Jump (SuavePrince) (PoP1)
Heart of Zyra (PoP1)
Heart of Zyra lv1-3 reposition (PoP1)
Hell of a Palace (PoP1 for SNES)
Hidden Levels (PoP1)
Hide and Seek (PoP1)
HiJump - Hard Mode (PoP1)
HiJump Once More (PoP1)
Hurry up Prince (PoP1)
HWLev01 (PoP1)
HWLev01R part 1 (PoP1)
HWLev02 (PoP1)
HWLev03 (PoP1)
HWLev04 (PoP1)
HWLev05 (PoP1)
HWLev06 (PoP1)
HWLev07 (PoP1)
HWLev08 (PoP1)
Illusions of Persia (PoP1)
Illusions of Persia II (PoP1)
Impossible! (PoP1)
Imprisoned... again (PoP1)
Improved Jaffar (PoP1)
In The Prison (PoP1)
Indonesian Sweet Dreams (PoP1)
Insanity Puzzles (PoP1)
Into the Dungeons (PoP1)
Ipank's Levels (PoP1)
Iso's Mod (Training Levels) (PoP1 for SNES)
Istaria's custom maps (PoP1)
Jaffar Is The King (PoP1)
Jaffar Never Dies (PoP1)
Jaffar Not Forget (PoP1)
Jaffar Not Forget 2 (The Temple of Terror) (PoP1)
Jaffar Strikes Back (PoP1)
Jaffar Wins! (PoP1)
Jaffar's House (PoP1)
Jaffar's Island (PoP1)
Jaffar's Multi-Life (PoP1)
Jaffar's Resistance (PoP1)
Jaffar's Revenge (PoP1)
Jaffar's Revenge (other version) (PoP1)
Jaffar's Revenge Completed (PoP1)
Jaffar's Rooms (PoP1)
Jakim's Levels (PoP1)
Jester's palace (PoP1)
John's Levels (PoP2)
John's Short Levels (PoP2)
Journey In Mystery (PoP1)
Key Issue (PoP1)
Kid of Persia (PoP1)
King of Persia (PoP1)
KJs 8 in 1 SDLPoP JP pack (PoP1)
KX - Out of Time (PoP1)
Leteipa (PoP1)
Levels for the Brave (PoP1)
Levels of Illusion (PoP1)
Levels of Illusion (SNES) (PoP1 for SNES)
Lihinghntom's Dark Levels or Prince ¼D (PoP1)
Lihinghntom's Palace (PoP1)
Lihinghntom's Twisty Levelset (PoP1)
Little Palace (PoP1)
Little Time (PoP1)
Lockdown on Persia (PoP1)
Lost in Errors (PoP1)
Lost In The Castle (PoP1)
Lost In The Forest (PoP1)
Lost In The Forest 2 (PoP2)
Lost In The Forest 3 (PoP1)
lv1-5 SSDV reposition (PoP1)
Magic of Persia (PoP1)
Maksi Prince (PoP1)
Maze of Illusion (PoP1)
Mek's Levelset (PoP1)
Meshabh (PoP1)
Micro Palace (PoP1)
Mike's Levelset (PoP1)
Mini HWLev07 (PoP1)
Mini underground (PoP1)
Miracles Don't Exist (PoP1)
Miracles Don't Exist (SNES) (PoP1 for SNES)
Mirages of Persia (PoP1)
Mirrored Levels (PoP1)
Misaligned (PoP1)
Mix of Persia (PoP1)
mk Level 1 (PoP1)
mk Level 2 (PoP1)
mk Set 3 (PoP1)
mk Set 4 (PoP1)
Mysterious Castle (PoP1)
Mysterious Castle 2 (PoP1)
Mysterious Doom (PoP1)
Nahemsan (PoP1)
Nastier Dungeons (PoP1)
Nasty Dungeons (PoP1)
Neon Persia (PoP1)
New 12 Levelset Version 1.1 (PoP1)
New 13 levels (PoP1)
New Mini Tricks (PoP1)
New SNES mod (PoP1 for SNES)
Next Level Adventure (PoP1)
No Potion + no damage mode (PoP1)
No Potion 2 (PoP1)
No Sword in Persia (PoP1)
No Sword Original (PoP1)
Original Complex Version (PoP1)
Original Revisited (PoP1)
Out Of Time (PoP1)
Pandemic in Persia (PoP1)
Persian Nightmares (PoP1)
Persian Sweet Dreams (PoP1)
Persian Training Grounds (PoP1)
Pirates of Persia (PoP1)
PoP and the Temple of Bird Creatures (PoP2)
PoP Seeking Revenge (PoP1)
PoP1 Remix (PoP1)
PoP1 Remix 2 (PoP1)
PoP2 mod OPR (PoP2)
PoP2 Parkour (PoP2)
PoP2 Reposition (PoP2)
PoP2 Split Levels (PoP1)
PoP2 Split Levels SDLPoP JP (PoP1)
PoP2 Tricknasium (PoP2)
PoP: Lost on Small Bricks (PoP1)
PoP: Tournament (PoP1)
Popset 1 (PoP1)
Potion of Illusion (PoP1)
Potion Puzzles (PoP1)
Potions of Delusion (PoP1)
Prince 1 and 1/2 (PoP1)
Prince Fanny (PoP1)
Prince lost in snes castle (PoP1)
Prince Of Aydın (PoP1)
Prince Of Aydın 2 The New Prince (PoP1)
Prince Of Aydın 3 Confrontation (PoP1)
Prince of Persia (PoP1)
Prince of Persia - Special edition (PoP1)
Prince of Persia - The Maharaja's Palace (PoP1)
Prince Of Persia 2 Remake (PoP1)
Prince of Persia – Same Story Different Version (PoP1)
Prince of Persia Baghdad CZ (PoP1)
Prince of persia combat mod (PoP1)
Prince of Persia During Sleep (PoP1)
Prince of Persia Evolution (PoP1 for SNES)
Prince of Persia Guard Revolt (PoP1)
Prince of Persia Horizon (PoP1)
Prince of Persia Revisited (PoP1)
Prince of Persia Special Edition Extendet Full Version Remake (PoP1)
Prince of Persia The Temple of Ruins (PoP1 for SNES)
Prince of Persia: Dungeons of Hell (PoP1 for SNES)
Prince of Persia: Remix III (PoP1 for SNES)
Prince of Reversia (PoP1)
Prince of Shelby (PoP1)
Prince of VatÃsion (PoP1 for SNES)
Prince of Venus (PoP1)
Prince of Wateria (PoP1)
Prince re-visit's repetition of time. (PoP1)
Prince Unique (PoP1)
Prince's Adventure (PoP1)
Princess of Persia (PoP1)
Princesses of Persia (PoP1)
Quest for the Sword (PoP1)
Quickly (PoP1)
Rafay's Building (PoP1)
Random Easy Levels (PoP1)
Random Tournament (PoP1)
Red Prince (PoP1)
Rennie (PoP1)
Repetition of Time (PoP1)
Reposition (PoP1 for SNES)
Reposition Advance (PoP1 for SNES)
Reposition Alternate part 1 only (PoP1 for SNES)
Reposition DOS (PoP1)
Reposition DOS Extreme lv1 only (PoP1)
Rescue of Persia (PoP1)
Return of Prince (PoP1)
Return of the Sultan (PoP1)
Return to Persia (PoP1)
Revolution (PoP1)
Roan's castle Levels 1-3 (PoP1)
Root Planet (PoP1)
Rukia's Terror (PoP1)
Run, Prince! Run! (PoP1)
Save the princess in 8 minutes (PoP1)
Say HiJump (PoP1)
Secrets and curses (PoP1)
Secrets of Dungeons (PoP1)
Secrets of the Citadel (PoP1)
Shadow's Potions (PoP1 for SNES)
Shadow's Story (PoP1 for SNES)
Shaking Prince (PoP1)
Shift + L (PoP1)
SmallDungMod (PoP1)
SmallDungMod (SNES) (PoP1 for SNES)
SNES Level 15 (PoP1)
SNES Level 15 SDLPoP Remake (PoP1)
SNES Levels (PoP1)
Snes mini levels for dos (PoP1)
SNES Remnants (PoP1)
SNES Remnants SDLPoP JP (PoP1)
SNES-PC-set (PoP1)
Story Retold (PoP1)
Sunshine Remix (PoP1 for SNES)
Super Adventure (PoP1)
Super Prince of Persia (PoP1)
Sword of Gold (PoP1 for SNES)
Temple of Chaos (PoP1)
Temple of Darkness (PoP1)
The Amazing Prince of Persia (PoP1)
The Brave Prince (PoP1)
The Castle of Dreams (PoP1)
The Castle of War (PoP1 for SNES)
The Deserted Dungeons (PoP1)
The Deserts of Persia (PoP1)
The Doomed Prince of Persia (PoP1)
The Dungeons of a Dark Magician (PoP1)
The Evil Twin (PoP1)
The Great Adventure (PoP1)
The Great Escape (PoP1)
The Hostage of Time (PoP1)
The Kingdom of the Dead (PoP1 for SNES)
The Last Of The Firsts (PoP1)
The Lost Bottle (Chapter 1) (PoP1 for SNES)
The Lost Levels (PoP1)
The Lost Persian (PoP1)
The Naughty Little Buddy (PoP1)
The Persian Secret Passage (PoP1 for SNES)
The Prince in the Illusion (PoP1)
The Prince in the Illusion 2 (PoP1)
The Prince in the Labyrinth (PoP1)
The Prince LOSVCI (PoP1)
The Prince Mystery Dungeon (PoP1)
The Prince of Persia in the Pyramid (PoP1)
The Princess in Danger (PoP1)
The Princess is Mine (PoP1)
The Queen Of Light (PoP1 for SNES)
The Quiet Levels (PoP1 for SNES)
The Resurrection Of Jaffar And The Revolt Of The Guards (PoP1)
The Revenge (PoP1)
The Sequel (PoP1)
The Shadow and The Flame Remake (PoP1)
The Shadow of The Castle (PoP1)
The Shadow of The Castle 2 (PoP1)
The Sultan Seven (PoP1)
The Terrible Experience (PoP1)
The Tricky Tower (PoP1)
The Trivial Prince (PoP1)
The Two Princesses (PoP1 for SNES)
The Ultimate Challenge (PoP1)
The Vizier's Kingdom (PoP1)
Time is the Key (PoP1)
Time Only Knows (PoP1 for SNES)
To Victory (PoP1)
Toothpaste (PoP1)
Training Lessons (PoP1 for SNES)
treasure island (PoP1)
Trick Bootcamp (PoP1)
Trick of Chomper (PoP1)
Trick of Through (PoP1)
Trick of Tiles (PoP1)
Tricks gone away (PoP1 for SNES)
Twin Brother (PoP1 for SNES)
Twisted Ideas (PoP1)
Un-named third level set (PoP1)
Universe 693 (PoP1)
Untitled 0000014 (PoP1)
Untitled 0000015 (PoP1)
Vel'Cheran of Persia (PoP1)
Wall Palace (PoP1 for SNES)
You have 5 minutes (PoP1)
Youran's Levelset 1 (PoP1)
ZethHolyblade's [Hardcore] PoP2 (PoP2)